Death for Jane Kerr

CollectionCivil Registers of Old Ardrossan
Record typeDeath
NameJane Kerr
Death5 Sep 1905
Place67 Raise Street, Saltcoats, Ayr
Age65 Years
Father's nameDavid Martin (Deceased)
Father's occupationGeneral Weaver
Mother's nameJanet Kilpatrick (Deceased)
Spouse's nameDaniel Kerr
Spouse's occupationShipmaster
Spouse's genderM
Death causeRecurrant Cerebral Haemorhage, 1 Year, 6 Months
Death informantMalcolm Kerr (Nephew), Kirkiviner Place, Bridge of Weir
Death registrationSeptember 7, 1905 at Saltcoats, Ayr