Marriage for Archd Drain

CollectionCivil Registers of Blythswood, Glasgow
Record typeMarriage
NameArchd Drain
Marriage5 Feb 1858
Place3 Dalhousie Street, Glasgow
Age25 Years
Residence544 Dobbies Lane, Glasgow
Father's nameDonald Drain (Deceased)
Father's occupationFarmer
Mother's nameCatherine Lang
Spouse's nameMarjory Mitchell
Spouse's occupationDomestic Servant
Spouse's age20 Years
Spouse's genderF
Spouse's statusSpinster
Spouse's residenceMarkinch Parish, Fifeshire
Spouse's fatherRobert Mitchell Free Stone Mason
Spouse's father's occupationFree Stone Mason
Spouse's motherMarjory Beith
Marriage churchFree Church of Scotland
Marriage witnessesMalcolm Drain, Hugh Mathieson