Death for Margaret MacNicol

CollectionCivil Registers of Saddell and Skipness
Record typeDeath
NameMargaret MacNicol
Death12 Sep 1943
PlaceScalladhmhor, Carradale, Argyll
Age91 Years
Father's nameJohn MacKenzie (Deceased)
Father's occupationGardener
Mother's nameBell Galbraith (Deceased)
Spouse's nameJohn MacNicol
Spouse's occupationRetired Traveller
Spouse's genderF
Death causeSenile Debility, Myocardial Degeneralion
Death informantDuncan McNicol, son, 1 Parsonage Road, Heaton Moor, Cheshire, England
Death registrationSept 14, 1943 at Carradale