Marriage for John Newlands

CollectionCivil Registers of Polmont
Record typeMarriage
NameJohn Newlands
Marriage29 Jun 1883
PlaceReddingmuir, Polmont, Stirling
Age22 Years
ResidenceMorningside, Edinburgh
Father's nameRobert Newlands
Father's occupationPloughman
Mother's nameHelen Potter
Spouse's nameAgnes
Spouse's occupationDairymaid
Spouse's agePaterson
Spouse's genderF
Spouse's statusSpinster
Spouse's residenceMorningside, Edinburgh
Spouse's fatherRobert Paterson Colliery Labourer
Spouse's father's occupationColliery Labourer
Spouse's motherJanet Leakie
Marriage churchFree Church of Scotland
Marriage witnessesJohn Potter, Betsy Lawson