Marriage for Robert Smith

CollectionCivil Registers of St. Rollox, Glasgow
Record typeMarriage
NameRobert Smith
Marriage29 Nov 1889
Place264 Buchanan Street, Glasgow
Age21 Years
ResidenceJellyhill Farm, Cadder Parish
Father's nameJoseph Smith
Father's occupationPloughman
Mother's nameJanet Paterson (Deceased)
Spouse's nameCatherine Blackstock
Spouse's occupationDairymaid
Spouse's age20 Years
Spouse's genderF
Spouse's statusSpinster
Spouse's residenceJellyhill Farm, Cadder Parish
Spouse's fatherPeter Blackstock Shepherd
Spouse's father's occupationShepherd
Spouse's motherCatherine McIntyre (Deceased)
Marriage churchFree Church of Scotland
Marriage witnessesJohn Smith, Barbara Stewart