Marriage for James Ferguson

CollectionCivil Registers of Old Cumnock
Record typeMarriage
NameJames Ferguson
Marriage30 Dec 1870
PlaceKilnholm Place, Cumnock
Age25 Years
ResidencePollery Row, Cumnock
Father's nameJohn Ferguson
Father's occupationMiner
Mother's nameAgnes Findlay
Spouse's nameElisabeth Cook
Spouse's occupationDomestic Servant
Spouse's age29 Years
Spouse's genderF
Spouse's statusSpinster
Spouse's residenceKilnholm Place, Cumnock
Spouse's fatherWilliam Cook Shoemaker
Spouse's father's occupationShoemaker
Spouse's motherMargaret McMichael
Marriage churchChurch of Scotland
Marriage witnessesMatthew Cook, Allan Kennedy